Monday, March 4, 2013

Update: Month Seventeen (And Four Days)

There's a really good explanation for being four days late with this post...I couldn't do it on February 28th because I couldn't bear to think that Cole was 17 months old yet!  I figured I had at least two more days because I was being jipped by the short month.  Then the 2nd came and I realized that SADLY I had no pictures of Cole from the whole month of February!!!  None?!  Well, there were a few of both the kids playing outside, but I wanted Cole I began trying to get him to look at the camera...  The following is what I got.  He will not stay still long enough for me to get a good one, and all the reaching is him trying to touch the lens!  But enough of that, let me tell you what Cole has been up to aside from being camera (sort of) shy.  The short story...this boy is BUSY!  He climbs, jumps, and runs non-stop!!  He is "talking" up a storm, and we all love it.  He makes animal sounds when prompted (or not), and his favorite is the monkey.  He'll start doing it and Kate will say "I don't see a monkey, what's he doing?".  She can't see the logic in making the noise if there's not really one around :0)  Cole has got four new teeth since last month...still no molars, but having all his front teeth sure makes biting a whole lot easier!  And speaking of biting...ouch!  Cole thinks it's pretty funny to nip the rest of the family with those sharp little teeth of his...hopefully by next month I'll be able to report that he's over that! 
"Just let me touch the lens!"

"I can't touch it?!  Why not?"


Beautiful blue eye.

"So, seriously, I can't touch it?!"

Something I forgot to mention that Cole does that is really cute.  He holds his hands over his ears when the blender or vaccuum are on.  He also makes a noise for them, it's pretty cute!

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