Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Update: Month Nineteen

I missed it again...but who's counting? :0)  Nineteen months, yikes!  As I've said before, I've got a BUSY boy on my hands...combined with Kate it's complete chaos here!  Cole has really started "talking" a lot more this past month.  He says "he ye go" (here you go), "le go" (let's go), "bye dad!", "TAY!!" (Kate), and when we're at the dog park he yells "INNY" the whole time.  Of course we love to make him repeat all sorts of other words so we can all giggle at the outcome :0), and he's happy to oblige.  Have I mentioned that Cole is a climber?!  I can not leave the kitchen without coming back to him standing on the table...I've started flipping the chairs up on the table, but then I worry that he will pull them down on himself...definitely worse than just standing up there!  He enjoys jumping on the bed or off the couch (after he and Kate have piled all the cushions on the floor), and now that it's finally nice outside he enjoys playing in the yard all day long! 
He's not going to believe that I used to let him walk around in these pink boots!  And he's never going to want to admit that he loved them!  I finally put them away, but while they were out he would constantly bring them to me so he could put them on him.  He's sitting on the vacuum...another favorite thing to do...ride it around while I'm cleaning :0)
Why play the drum when you can wear it like a helmet?!
"Coo coo"
That's his "more food now" face.  Insert a big "aaaahhhh" here.

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